Sunday, November 1, 2015

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month By Ceasing Undocumented Claims of Native American Ancestry

President Obama just proclaimed November Native American Heritage Month.

To celebrate I urge all who claim American Indian ancestry to review their family history.

If they do not have documentation, I urge them to state their claim is based on undocumented family oral history or to refrain from continuing to make such claims until ancestry is documented. 

Claiming American Indian ancestry without documentation can be disrespectful of American Indians and is best discontinued.
Many claims are found to be family legend and not to be true.

I urge public figures who have claimed American Indians ancestry but have not provided any documentation to cease such claims.

Confirmation can be a family tree with supporting documents showing a direct descent from an American Indian.

Attempting to benefit from a claim of American Indian ancestry without documentation is a form of "white privilege" and needs to stop.

Europeans expropriated all American Indian land and almost completely exterminated them. Among the ways we can make amends is to cease falsely claiming to be descended from them.

Revised: November 1, 2015

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